
When I relearned how to crochet I used a lot of youtube videos. Other than having a person right next to you teach you, youtube is the next best thing. I want to also list out any books/written resources too for another approach. I'll also list/link some of my favorite patterns and rate them based on difficultly.

Before listing videos and creators two important websites for patterns and crochet would be Ravelry and Ribbler.

Ravelry is a great resource for PDF patterns, yarn information and connecting with other crafters. Ravelry includes both knitting and crochet patterns. They also have features for creating an online yarn stash, see what others have used that yarn to make, and general information to see if its right for your project. Revelry features paid and free patterns. The patterns are also created by users so quality may vary but a great place to find that next project! Ravelry has a few other features like fourms, groups, and etc. I haven't used those features personally but might be worth checking out!

Ribblr is another pattern sharing site. Ribblr includes interactive patterns for knitting, crochet, and sewing! Ribblr has interactive patterns meaning you can digitally cross of completed parts of the pattern, linked stitch tutorials, and add notes to help you for completing the project next time. Ribblr and Ravelry both have apps but Ribblrs is a bit more user friendly in my opinion. Ribblr also features fourms to interact with others (personally have not used much). Ribblr does have a market place to sell finished items if that is an interest I personally have not tried it. Ribblr also has free and paid patterns in all areas.
If I only had to chose one I would chose Ribblr. I really like the interactive patterns and I am able to bring them with me on my phone. Both are great resources though!

Other places for patterns can be found all over the web. Some are hosted on their blogs, instagram, and so on. Yarnspirations is a website you can find free patterns and kits(includes yarn, hook, pattern, and anything else you'd need for the pattern) for crochet and other yarn crafts. Joann, Michaels, Lion Brand and other big box stores or yarn brands also have some free patterns along with being able to order the needed supplies.

While both Ribblr and Ravelry are both great place to store information I'd also reccomend keeping a journal! If yyou want to create your own patterns, a journal makes a great place to draft ideas or write them down. Even if you don't plan to make your own patterns its great to keep notes. If you had a problem and you fixed it write it in your journal. If you ever want to make it again you know want to do for next time! Its also nice if you have pdf and ribblr patterns you'd have one location for all of it. I also like to leave a mini review of the pattern or any changes I made to the pattern(hook size, yarn size/type, +/-rows, etc.) incase I want want to make it that way again or change it.


  • TL Yarn Crafts - Tutorials, patterns, and reviews Youtube Blog
  • The Snugglery - Tutorials, patterns, and Reviews Youtube Blog
  • Brunaticality - Tutorials and patterns Youtube
  • For the Frills - Tutorials and patterns Youtube Blog
  • Golden Fleece Designs - Tutorials and patterns Youtube Blog
  • ikoxun - Tutorials, patterns Youtube
  • Vivcrochets - Tutorials, patterns Youtube

Patterns I love ♡

  • Sea Breeze Tank Top - For the Frills - This is the first wearable I've ever made!!! Super easy to follow and has a video tutorial. I would say this is a beginner pattern since you just need to know the basic stitches and there is a video along with the pattern.
  • Wildflower bandana - Nastja Crochets This is a super cute bandana that works up pretty quick! This pattern includes a ton of pictures but I would say this is a little more intermediate. I was confused at a few points with connecting, but once you get it you get it. Even if it may seem more advanced it is still a great pattern if you want something different than the typical granny bandana.
  • The Maggie Bag - HookedMe This is the first pattern I ever bought!! Super cute bag that could be adpated in different ways. I like to use a caron cake and let the colors naturally flow. I also lined my bag and used cotton to help structure the bag but that is optional. Very beginner friendly lots of pictures and videos of all the stitches can be found. Can also be worked up fairly quick and great for scrap yarn projects.
  • Pillow Cozy - Mrs Moon and Heaven - I linked the video tutorial but she also has a pdf pattern with even more designs. A super easy pattern to work up and I love it so much esp a an ice coffee drinker.
  • 50 min Fingerless gloves - These really do work up in an hour or so! Also, they are simple simple so you could customize them like adding buttons or scallops.
  • Bucket Hat - Vivcrochets - A super quick project and easy to follow. I would reccomend using cotton yarn!